

"Know What You’re Getting Into, Before You Get Into It"

Home Buyer's Inspection

Pre-Purchase inspections, also known as a Home Buyers inspection helps to ensure that the home of your dreams is in the condition you expect. Having knowledge of the property condition before purchase allows for an informed buying decision and reduces the risk of unforeseen costly issues.

Pre-Purchase inspection reports can also be used as a bargaining chip at the offer table. Issues that may incur substantial costs can be used as leverage in the negotiation process.

Example: The listing may note that the roof is "new", but was the roof installed properly; is there signs of moisture in the attic?

Post Home Buyer's Inspection

In some instances, while not ideal, it is not always possible to have an inspection performed prior to purchase. This doesn’t mean that you should not know of any issues that need be addressed to protect you in the long term and ensure your home is a safe place. Post Purchase inspection services do just that and ensure buyers know their home. Post inspection services are completed in the same manor as a pre-inspection and include a full comprehensive report, list of any defects along with a suggested time frame for any needed repairs.

Pre-Listing Inspection

Home inspections are a necessity for home buyers. Pre-Listing inspections help the home seller gain an advantage in the selling process. Home owners who have knowledge of any deficiencies will have the ability to correct problems before the home buyer finds them. In doing so, the seller may increase the value of the property and reduce the time on the market. These inspections are ideal for full transparency between both buyer and seller and provide a high level of consumer protection.

It is proven that homes with pre-listing inspection reports made available to potential buyers sell more quickly and with less hassle.

Walk-Through Inspections

Take advantage of a unique opportunity to have an inspector come along during a viewing of a prospective property. Meet and get to know me as you ask questions and field concerns that you may have as you view the home. Given the obvious time constraints, this is not a "formal" inspection involving an official report. This service is offered FOR FREE!

This is a great opportunity to learn about the property with a Professional Home Consultant before offers are presented.

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